12/17/08 - Sam Adams Patriot Homebrew Comp
Unibrau Oktoberfest - no placement - BJCP score - 21/50
5/15/10 - Worcester Homebrew Challenge Cup #1
Lawnmower IPA - Second Place - Avg score - 41/50
6/14/10 - Gordon's Wine + Spirts Homebrew Comp #1
Lawnmower - IPA - well recieved. rosemary apparent
Churchill's Dry Wit - Juniper Pale Ale - also well received. juniper subdued.
10/12/10 - Worcester Homebrew Challenge Cup #2
Weizenschaaft ist Cool - Weizenbock - third place - score unknown
12/19/10 - Sam AdamsPatriot Homebrew Comp 2011
Durin's Grain - Imperial Stout w/ Anise - very well received. suggested re-categorize to cat. 23, spiced special. would have done better? - 31/50
AHA - National Homebrew Comp 2011
Sclama Baltic Porter - good ranking 30/50
Sclama Oak Simcoe Black IPA - good ranking 27/50
5/23/11 - Sam Adams Longshot 2011
Springtime fur Hitler - Maibock - 34/50
Nine Dragons - Jasmine Witbier -24/50 offstyle. meh.
6/12/11 - Worcester HomebrewChallenge Cup #3
Nine Dragons - Jasmine Witbier - did not place /9. score unknown
Darkwing - Dunkelweizen - did not place /9. score unknown
6/15/11 - Gordon's Wine + Spirts Homebrew Comp #2
Nine Dragons - Jasmine Witbier - did not place. well received - 35/50
Springtime fur Hitler - Maibock - did not place. well received - 32/50
Au - Belgian Strong Golden - did not place. well received 34/50
2/25/12 - Boston Homebrew Comp - WORTS
Misery Mild - English Mild - 2nd place, cat 11 - 34.5/50
4/1/12 - Ocean State Homebrew Comp - Jbrew
Misery Mild - English Mild - 2nd place, cat 11 - 37/50
Bismarck - Traditional Bock - miscategorized? - 27/50
4/21/12 - South Shore Homebrew Comp
Misery Mild - English Mid - 2nd place, cat 11 36/50
Bismarck - Munich Dunkel - 3rd place, cat 5 33/50
Biohazard - Saison Brett - did not place. 27/50
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