The Beast Lives
Yesterday marked the Opening Day celebration/ inaugural brewing for the MD all grain system in the just opened brewery. The past year saw MD acquiring a propane kettle burner, 30qt SS brewkettle with ball valve/ thermometer direct coupled, copper wort chiller and home-built 40qt mash tun with copper false bottom. and as such we've put those all to good use.
The past year also saw the cleaning, gutting and utterly messy rebuilding of what was once a burnout stand alone garage into a functional brewery workshop. Garage door torn off, floor re-cemented and leveled, dual basic sink and plumbing installed, electrically wired and grounded, insulation and walls established, pain in the arse skylight installed, re-shingled, ceiling fan in and painted and new brewgate updated this project has consumed the days and nights of MD's chief of contracting and building supervision. but as the pics show it was all worth it. now for the decor...
Wont go into the details here, I'll let the pics do the rest. Brewed an all-grain version of last winter's smash hit Imperial Stout with anise, Durin's Bane, now reborn as Durin's Grain. things went wonderfully smooth, gear was great, strike temps hit on the nose, specific gravities pinged and dinged at each measure like clockwork.
nice when all the right tools function in a well oiled machine.
and damn, it feels good to be a gangster.
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