Monday - MD emissaries Baron et Baroness attended the inaugural meeting of the British Beer Company Beer Club. Yes we have to say it like that, the "BBCBC" just sounded inane. Either way, Joe from the Fuller's Brewery came by to host a wee bit of sampling of some of their finer stock. The old standards of London Pride, ESB and the Porter were as the typical fare, though was pleasantly surprised at the malt flavor and smoothness of the ESB, definitely dont remember it being that full and good. After that though, the Vintage Ale was brought forth, quite a treat. This english malty beast had an aroma that gave off distinct notes of dry grape or even some cidery effects. The body was full as expected with heavy sweet sticky malt, yet not as buttery as a barleywine, with a bit of alcohol bite to it to counter the sugars. Quite a nice bit of beer indeed.
The Club plans to meet once a month to discuss relevant beer topics of the day, descry our passion for the brew, sample new suggested beers and to look ever pretentious with our individually assigned numbered mugs.
So till next time: Tyler Durden says: YOU ARE NOT YOUR FUCKING KHAKIS.. and enjoy good beer.